350 Table Top Shrink Tunnel


It has an opening of 330 mm wide x 175 or 225 mm high and can be plugged straight into a standard plug socket, allowing you to get right into production as soon as it is in place. Other heights are available to match your specification. This product is available in stainless steel or powder coated.

The 350 Max edition is equipped with additional entry and exit curtains and an additional 150mm overall tunnel length. When combined with a stainless steel frame, it is the optimal choice for shrink wrapping in cool rooms, the additional curtains greatly reducing heat loss.


The 350 Table Top Shrink Tunnel features:
Low cost unit
Preheat plate
Simple operation
Easy-to-move unit
Simple installation
Fixed speed belt
Digital Temperature Control
Compact design
350 mm x 175 - 225 mm opening
Available in Stainless steel or powder coated finish
Adjustable internal vents for heat directions
The 350 Max Table Top Shrink Tunnel additional features:
Additional 150mm added to tunnel length
Twin pairs of curtains either end to maximise heat retention

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